Monday, March 8, 2010

It's picture day

I decided that I'd take the painted stuff and the mostly put together stuff downstairs and get a few pictures. Here is all of the painted Nids at the moment.

I have the close ups of some of the more exciting monsters, as well as some work in progress shots of the last few unit selections for Golden Throne. The above picture is 1 HQ, 3 Troops, 2 Heavy, 3 Fast Attack, and 2 Elite. The only things left are the Tyranid Prime, Deathleaper, a Biovore, the last Ripper base, and 2 min units of Stealers. These will need to be done by Saturday. I'm think I'm in there. We shall see.

Here is the big daddy.

He is not totally perfect but I think I succeeded at what I wanted to do, which was make him look different enough that you could tell him apart from a Carnifex. The other goal was to try and match up the picture in the codex.

Up next in the family is my Trygon. I was going for the Big Ravener look and I think I pulled this one off as well. A couple of posts ago I showed off the green stuff and sanding that I did and now he's 90% done with painting. .

Here you can see the single row of spines down the back.

The Hive Tyrant and the Old One Eye are actually on loan from Thomas so they will have to leave the new home once I have the Carnifex that's still in it's box built as well as the Hive Tyrant that I think I'm going to order from Forge World. I really like the alien look and the GW Tyrant just doesn't do it for me. Here is a shot of the Hive Tyrant.

I like to have the Venom Cannon for the extra strength in shooting as I walk across the table. When/If I get the Forge World Tyrant it should be about the same as this one, only a little bigger.

When I started out I knew I wanted to make the weapons a contrast color to the rest of the model. I liked the idea when i saw it in the new codex. There is something nice in seeing that there are actually two different organisms here. This was the reason I went for the orange weapons. Then when I got to the Zoanthropes I realized that they don't have a gun. So the Hive Mind improvised. The Zoanthropes weapon is it's mind so here you go.

I guess we can't call it "gray matter" any more. When I was redoing these I didn't like how top heavy they were. So for the deck base I went with a "floating up out of the void" type of look. I think it looks ok. It lowers the center of gravity and makes them less wobbly.

For my Work in Progress shots I have been working on the Tyranid Prime as well as the Deathleaper. Here they are in their current state.

Becasue of the Ravener chest that I used the Deathspitter arms wouldn't come together the normal way. This worked out since I wanted it to look like a grown up Warrior any way. I think the linked deathspitter gives the Prime a little of a Tyrant feel, as it should. Here is a picture of the back, to see the control panel.

The last pictures for today are of my Lictor/Deathleaper. I like the picture in the codex for this model as well but I never liked the way they positioned the arms for it. Here is my version.

His base was a little difficult at first. I wanted to try and get the stairs feel for his base instead of the normal "latched onto a wall" look that you normally see. Here is a shot from behind.

Hopefully I was successful. I should have another post this Saturday with the whole Lot. And a battle force in tow.

Until Next time.


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