Saturday, January 23, 2010

First real game

Had a chance today to hit the Local GW and get in some game time with Thomas. We started off with a couple of games of Space Hulk then after lunch we moved to a 1500 point game of 40K. I wasn't really ready to move up to this level using only the models that I had, but the great store manager and staff let me use the Mawloc from the cabnet and the Warpstone winner let me use his winner as well. Armed with both of these and a few proxies I had a great swing into a full list.
I wanted to really buckle down and try to ignore a lot of the web hype and play the amry that feels right to me. As I get on with this army I'll see about changing and such. For now though, I want to keep the core with what I have on hand. Here is the list I used:

Tyranid Prime: Bone Sword, Lash whip, Deathspitter
Tervigon: Adrenal Glands, Toxic Sacs, Regeneration, Catalyst
10 Termagants
2x 10 genestealers: Broodlord
2 Zoanthropes: Mycetic Spore: Vennom Cannon
8 Ymgral Genesteaers
Trygon Prime
Mawloc: Regeneration

My opponent was a middle of the road Necron army. He had:

Lord: Orb
2x 10 warriors
3 Heavy Destroyers
3 Destroyers
3 Wraiths
10 Immotals

The Mission was kill points and the depolyment was table halves. I'll get a full battle report up later but I'll throw some inital feelings in here. To start off with I beat the Crons, but this wasn't a super serious competative game. We have played a number of times against each other and it's always more about hanging out then beating each others faces in. I like these games for a couple reasons. First, it's nice to see lists that aren't super tweaked. It helps to get a broader sense of how your amry does in an "all comers" sort of way. Second, it allows me to feild something a little less than cutting edge to get an idea of how it meshes with the rest of the army. Ymgral Stealers are the perfect example. I've yet to see any lists that don't use this unit as a goof off pick. Personally I want to try and find the niche that they fill and fill it. I see them more about the psychological factor of the unit and less about the over all "getting points back".

Looking at the units that I choose I like the surprises that the new tyranids bring to the table. I want to take that feeling of surprise and run it to task. Biggest let down in the list for me was Regeneration. I know statistically I'm supposed to get back wounds etc, etc. I can say by turn four I just stopped rolling for it. The Tervigon was no longer the threat and wasn't being shot at and the Mawloc was playing Marco Pollo. It just didn't feel like it was worth the investment in this setting. Disappointment #2 was surely the Mawloc. With both it and a Trygon Prime there was really no comparison. The Prime is really the Cream that rose to the top. Of course it is more points for the prime than the Mawloc, but all you're really getting for your 190 odd points of Mawloc is around 3 AP2 large blasts. Not really what I'm looking for. This will likely be the first and last time I field one. This does beg the question about the choice of what I want to put in it's place, which is a Podding Screamer Killer. The Screamer Killer easily weights in with the pod at the same price as a Trygon. I will have to get them on the table and really run the courses to see which ends up staying.

Well I'll leave it at that for now. Hopefully this is just the begining for my project.


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