Sunday, January 31, 2010

Paint contest For the Win

I've always been a pretty big believer in Karma. Just one of those things you know, but it's just a word. With that in mind I had to kill an hour and a half or so while my youngest was at ballet rehearsal, so I swung by the Tukwila GW to see what was going on. Figured that I would pick up my Feb. White Dwarf while I was there. I'm not a fantasy player so this month is kind of Meh for me, oh well. I had forgotten about the Tyranid eat the store event so I was met with plenty of people putting Nids on the tables. Pretty cool to see what people would bring to an Apoc game.

Then Chelsea asks if I'd like to get into a new painting thing that they are running. The goal is to make people paint up their army.

 I think to myself, yea sure.

Then she tells me that for every FoC slot that I paint I'll be entered into a raffle for the super paint set.

Yup sounds familiar.

Then she says that I bring in each unit from the FoC and after I paint up all 17 I'll get a free battle force.

Whoa! Wait a sec, not a RAFFLE for a battle force but just a free one? Now I'm motivated.

They are calling it the Golden Throne, and the limit is all 17 FoC slots. If I only get 13 done I get a $55 box, 10 painted and it's a $35 box, 7 is a $20 blister, and finally 3 painted is a $10 blister. Of course there is a catch, it all has to be done by March 15th. I'm pretty skeptical at this point, so I ask what the limitations are. She tells me that it just has to meet a Force Organization slot requirement in my codex and that's it. The goal is filling up an entire force org chart.

This gets me thinking. I don't use any fast attack slots in any of my current lists. This could pose a problem for me. Then I look at the FA options and see that 3 spore mines count as one FA choice. I have 8 mines from Battle for MCragge. That will be two slots painted. Then there are these three ripper swarms that I have. One more slot painted. All Chelsea said was fill in a FoC slot. This is going to be fun. With all this taken in I realized that once I've painted about 1/2 of my normal list I'll get a free battle force. How sweet is that. Here is the list of what I'm painting for the Golden Throne.

Tyranid Prime
[edit] Hive Tyrant

[edit] Zoanthrope

Fast Attack
(3) Spore Mines
(3) Spore Mines
[edit] (3) Raveners

Heavy Support
Trygon Prime

(4) Genestealers with Broodlord
(4) Genestealers with Broodlord
(10) Termagants
(3) ripper swarms
(3) warriors
[edit] Tervigon

At this point the only models I don't have are a last FA slot and the Carnifex. I know it's really pushing the lines but hey, a Free battle force is on the line here. How often does that happen? My thought is that I'll likely pick up a box of Gargoyles to fill that last fast attack. All in about 45 days, I think I can do this.

[edit] I decided to go with Raveners for the last fast attack slot. I needed the scything talons and they are easier to put together and paint than Gargoyles. This will put me at 57 models to have done in 45 days. Most of the time will likely be spent putting them together and making the bases. Batch painting will be my friend. [/edit]

Well I'd say wish me luck but this isn't really one of those times..

Until next time.


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